from Ils de France
fan of Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Sidere mens eadem mutato
既害怕,又高兴 害怕时是确诊 高兴万一真是确诊就不用来了 -
俄乌局势图(三个主攻方向)——摘自Wikipedia,pro Ukraine map
2021年2月27日更新 北线:Kiev (Ukraine occupied)、Chenihiv (Russia blockaded)、Kharkiv (contested) and Sumy (contested) 东线:Donbas (Donesk and Luhansk) (Donesk PR, Luhansk PR and Russia occupied) 南线:Crimea (Russia... -
您们谁知道两会的直播在哪里看吗 -
诸葛亮,字孔明,琅邪阳都人也。汉司隶校尉诸葛丰后也。父珪,字君贡,汉末为太山郡丞。亮早孤,从父玄为袁术所署豫章太守,玄将亮及亮弟均之官。会汉朝更选朱皓代玄。玄素与荆州牧刘表有旧,往依之。玄卒,亮躬耕陇亩,好为梁父吟。身长八尺,每自比於管仲、乐毅,时人莫之许也。惟博陵崔州平、颍川徐庶元直与亮友善,谓为信然。... -
假如你是李华,你的乌克兰朋友泽连斯基(Zelensky)最近遇到了一点小麻烦,他和一位远房兄弟因为一些小问题而发生了争吵,现在他感到非常苦恼,不知道应该怎么做,请你写一封信给他,内容包括: 1.对他的烦恼表达理解和安慰; 2.提出你对这件事的看法; 3.告诉他一些建议。 注意:词数不少于100。 -
伟大的革命家、先进工作者、曾担任过第2385届、第2386届银河议会议员,克里昂一世的御前首相,为基地联邦做出卓越贡献的经济学家、心理史学家哈里·谢顿博士于银河纪元12069年在端点星自治市去世,享年86岁。 啊这ei个 答案贴在下面: Dr. Harry Seldon, the great revolutionist and advanced worker, the representative of the 2385th... -
《唐六典》,自认为文言文水平可以的可以看看,网上有免费版 想要研究第二帝国吏制的可以看看 -
Encyclopedia Galactica——the Galactic Republic (Chapter 2)
From the Encyclopedia Galactica published by the Terminius Encyclopedia publishing Company UE 23 Edition 123rd Amendment Chapter 2 History Section 2 Long last prosperity After the civil unrest in the early years of... -
Encyclopedia Galactica——the Galactic Republic (Chapter 2)
From the Encyclopedia Galactica published by the Terminius Encyclopedia publishing Company UE 23 Edition 123rd Amendment Chapter 2 History Section 1 The founding era By FE (Foundation Era) 923, the Federation of... -
Encyclopedia Galactica——the Galactic Republic (Chapter 1)
From the Encyclopedia Galactica published by the Terminius Encyclopedia publishing Company UE 23 Edition 123rd Amendment Chapter 1 Brief Information The Galactic Republic was a country once ruling the entire Milky... -
Encyclopedia Galactica——the Galactic Republic (Contents)
From the Encyclopedia Galactica published by the Terminius Encyclopedia publishing Company UE 23 Edition 123rd Amendment Contents Chapter 1 Brief information Chapter 2 History Section 1 The founding era Section 2... -
Encyclopedia Galactica——the Galactic Republic (General Informati
From the Encyclopedia Galactica published by the Terminius Encyclopedia publishing Company UE 23 Edition 123rd Amendment The Galactic Republic Galactic Standard: Galactic Common: Res Publica Galactica Galactic...