from Ils de France
fan of Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Sidere mens eadem mutato
纸币5种样式,硬币5种样式 -
好像一传图片就会报错413(Request Entity too Large) -
以上数据来自百度百科,我们只需要关注其中一行字:“利用这样的技术测量天仓五的表面重力,得到的是log g,或恒星表面重力的对数值,大约是4.4—,非常接近太阳的log g = 4.44” 那么问题来了,如果,那么我们会发现 然后我们再来看这样一组数据 同样选自于百度百科,我们可以注意到此处,与上文不符 下面我们来看一看到底哪一个对呢? 由于此处两个数值的数量级相差极大,因此我们可以用粗略的估算... -
Galactic Confederation 1.Federation of Solar System (1)2 provinces <1>6 sectors (which sector concludes one planetary system) (i)10 planets——cities——districts (2)Solar Sector <1>Inner Solar Visector (i)Terrestrial... -
The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline
The correlation of the structure of organic molecules with their various properties, physical and chemical, has in recent years afforded much insight into the mechanism of organic reactions, notably in the theories... -
硫羟肟酸有机胺 相信阿西莫夫原著党都知道 -
2nd Stage of Debate——Questioning Time
Let's welcome the Debater A1 Marquis Zhang and Debater A2 Count Zong from the Affirmative Party and the Debater N1 Duke Voyager and Debater N2 Duke Itachi from the Negative Party Please raise your questions... -
为什么see all columns是500呢 -
1st Stage of Debate——Opening Report
Let's welcome the Debater A1 Marquis Zhang from the Affirmative Party and the Debater N1 Duke Voyager from the Negative Party Please hand in your opening report in Chinese Time Limit for Stage 1:January 25~January 28 -
经辩论发起者Consul Zhou同意,本辩论比赛重新开始 本次比赛辩题为: 正义是否是强者的利益 经过决定,本次辩论赛的正方辩友分别是: A1:Wind Zhang A2:Rice Zong 反方辩友分别是: N1:Bob Voyager N2:Itachi Zhou 接下来是辩论流程(含窗口开放时间,一旦双方辩论完成,则自动进入下一阶段): 1st Stage:Opening Report——3 Days 2nd... -
Pex Flogium(Latin for the Declaration of Peace for Flog)
PEX FLOGIUM Composed by Bob Voyager Adopted January 24, 2022 [This Declaration, drawn up in the site of flog, was not a constitution or a rule, but a document declaring our deep hatred for chaos and the call for... -
一个小疑问——致Andy Zhou
我以朋友身份询问一些问题: 1.能不能向我介绍一下greyli其人? 2.看上去greyli同志好像特别好相处的样子