From the Encyclopedia Galactica published by the Terminius Encyclopedia publishing Company

UE 23 Edition 123rd Amendment

Chapter 1 Brief Information

The Galactic Republic was a country once ruling the entire Milky Way Galaxy. It was the symbol of Homo Sapiens Civilization and democracy in the first 1245 years. Under its governing, the galaxy enjoyed a peace lasting thousands of years. In the last 29 years, the HIZ suddenly seized power and made the parliament a rubber stamp. Its chairman, Nicholus Xleonium, became the person who was actually in charge of the whole galaxy. The Liberalists and Revolutionists planned an uprising. In GRE (Galactic Republic Era) 1274, Nicholus Xleonium, crowned himself Emperor of the Galaxy and reformed the republic into the Second Galactic Empire.

This post belongs to Column 「续写——《银河帝国系列》」 .


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