rice0208 level-badge

from Somewhere on Mars


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Hi there, I'm rice0208! 👋

rice0208's github stats

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Flog with @z-t-y
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning React.js, TypeScript and deep learning
  • 👯 I’m looking for friends aging 13 ~ 17 like me!
  • 🌏 I’m living in Shanghai, China as a local junior high student
  • 📩 Contact me? Try (my email address)
  • ⚡ Fun fact: Do you know I have a classmate here? 🙃🙃🙃


Where am I?

I am in Shanghai, China, as a student in Lansheng Fudan Middle School, at 8 Shijie Rd.


When am I available?

Well, I am going to graduate from junior high next year, so I may not have much time (for I have to prepare for High School Entrance Exam). I will have much time in June 2022.


More information?

Here's our school's (not so good!) website: And also, I have some more accounts (on code websites), which is also rice0208. Search for rice0208, if there is one, that may be me.

  • 某些蓝屏的解决办法

    没错朋友们,你们一定会为了某些东西而烦恼,比如: 我家的狗怎么又搞得满屋子的垃圾? 为什么我打游戏又会被发现? 又或者是…… 我tm怎么坐个地铁都会停机?(是你干的吧!) 为什么我家又被陨石撞了?(你的“又”什么意思?) 我从楼上掉下来竟然shi了?(请问你是怎么问出来的?) ……好了好了,我们今天不是来聊这个的。如果你遇到了上述问题,这只能说明你很不幸。  ...
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    This post belongs to Column 「rice0208跳坑记」 .

  • 质数的正确找法

    大家都知道,质数的一个臭名昭著的性质就是难找。用手找质数找到100,000能花上你一天的时间,因此只有你用一些更加系统的方法去找,才不会让你在众人面前显得过于滑稽,从而闻名全校。 那么你可能就会问了:所以怎么找质数最快?当然,在这一方面,我们就要请出我们的一个朋友——计算机——来为我们找。 你需要知道什么? 首先需要知道的,有以下四件事。 在计算机算法中,常数的四则运算、位运算时间忽略不计。...
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    This post belongs to Column 「rice0208跳坑记」 .

170 post(s) in all