from Ils de France
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好像又找到一个Hello World -
Notes for High School Mathematics
1.2 Additions and Subtractions of Vectors We can add two vectors together to create a sum vector. Generally, to two non-parallel vectors, we use a method called the Parallelogram Rule or the Triangular Rule. Given... -
这个通知里的语言好像在英文模式下依然是中文呢…… -
分享论文(written by G.Galperin)《Playing Pool With π (The Number π fr
https://www.maths.tcd.ie/~lebed/Galperin.%20Playing%20pool%20with%20pi.pdf 原文还是不复制了罢(毕竟人家的论文是有版权的) -
Notes for High School Mathematics
Chapter 1 Plane Vectors 1.1 The Basic Concept of Vectors and their representations In real life, we meet many mathematical values. Some of them can be represented with just a number like temperature, time, area.... -
Notes for High School Mathematics
Preface A Letter for Readers Most of you must have read my previous work Notes for Calculus Life Saver. However, I think a “hyper jump” directly from middle school math to advanced math may be a bit hard for some... -
Flog管理员联席会议人民代表Bob Voyager提请: 1.规范化公共账号,增加公共账号监管,确认公共账号资格: (1)目前存在的公共账号如下: <1>Flog管理部门官方账号admin-moderator-conference 拥有者:Flog管理员联席会议代表,Flog内阁协管员,Flog处理审议小组委员、Flog站长 <2>408人民党官方账号People's Party... -
祝贺Wind Zhang同志成为Flog首席协管员!(^-^) -
Notes For Calculus Life Saver
3.4 the Limit at ∞ and -∞ There is one more type of limit that we need to investigate. We’ve concentrated on the behavior of a function near a point x = a. However sometimes it is important to understand how a... -
1.提请希望站长看一看图片上传功能,具体事故见本人最新一期Notes for Calculus Life Saver 请站长审查 -
1.(1)提请当报名时间过后若报名人数不到五人,则由站长与秘书长召开中央小组会议,决定临时Flog管理部门名单,任期一周,在此周内继续开放报名,若一周过后,报名人数仍然不到五人,则下一届Flog管理部门成员按照临时Flog管理部门成员不变... -
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